Let go and breathe in the real you

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9y ago
Be Strong

Even the strongest tree sways in the face of gusty winds. Being strong doesn't mean you show no emotion.

10y ago
The Confusion of a Teenager

Making the right choices at the right time sometimes makes all the difference between being a pearl or simply a drop in the ocean.

11y ago
You are Not Weak

Even the hard coconut can break in one blow. It doesn't mean it's weak. It's vulnerable.

12y ago

The sky remains independent of the colors and clouds in it. It returns to its natural state — blue. So can you.

13y ago
Sankalpa: The Practice of Resolve

Sankalpa is often compared to the perfectly stable and still Himalayas. A sincere seeker's resolve is like the Himalayas.

Let go and breathe in the real you

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